Sunday, April 4, 2010

Swimming with Sea Lions - Islas Palomino, Peru

Perhaps one of the most extreme things that I have EVER done was partake in a "swimming with sea lions" cruise off the coast of Peru. Sounds tame enough, I know....but little did I know this innocent excursion would lead to my life flashing before my eyes! For those of you who are not aware of the coastal dynamics of Peru, the Humboldt Current runs up the coast of Chile & Peru, which supplies nutrient-rich water straight from ANTARCTICA. Now I realize I should have been tipped off by the fact that there are actual penguins that live along the offshore islands we were visiting, but the excitement of getting to swim with the sea lions clouded my normal good judgement.
Another imminent red flag was the fact that the wetsuit that was supplied to me was too large and had actual HOLES in it. I knew this would ultimately lead to disaster, yet again the chance at adventure and a once in a lifetime opportunity was just too good to pass up.
As soon as my body splashed into the frigid ocean below the boat's hull I was engulfed by the icy waters. I could have been swimming with great whites for all I cared, my mind was consumed with dying of hypothermia! I have NEVER been so cold in my entire life.
Moral of this story: Do NOT get into the ocean where the local guide explains that there are no sharks in the area because the water temperature is too cold for them!
Daniel (obviously NOT dying of hypothermia)

Underwater View

FAKE SMILE (I was literally dying)

So many sea lions!

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